Sunday, February 12, 2012

just a good day

When I had kids, I knew that I would love them as a parent. What I never expected is that I would have new friends. I truly enjoy hanging out with my kids and talking with them. Finding out what happened in school, who they are hanging with, what they are enjoying at any point in time. Even though she is just 7, my daughter and I relish our "girl" outings, whether they be shopping, just going for lunch, or hanging out. To enjoy each others conversation and make plans for future activities to do together, it is enough. Today we drop my son off at a birthday party and are going on  girl outing for a couple of hours. And I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Sunny day. Finally putting in a patio by the back door, so I am already planning the plants, shrubs, etc that I want to put around the edges. This summer is going to be the summer of vegetable garden extraordinaire and patio paradise.! Hurray!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Breaking up is hard to do

Maybe I am at a crucial phase of life, which happens to include losing friends that I have had in my life for a while. Well, not really losing, but being lost by them. I have been dumped. Friends one day, never hear from them again the next. No big falling out, just not a peep. I understand I am not perfect, but I am a good friend, listener, and reliable person. I am not boring, or an extremist ( I don't think). ?????
So, the bigger deal is, why do I still wonder about some of these friends that dropped off the face of the earth? I don't sit around thinking "what if" about ex-boyfriends. I have a great marriage, but to that analogy, I also have great friends. I have not been left friendless. So what is it about being dumped by a friend that makes it so different? Open to comments...