Thursday, February 2, 2012

Breaking up is hard to do

Maybe I am at a crucial phase of life, which happens to include losing friends that I have had in my life for a while. Well, not really losing, but being lost by them. I have been dumped. Friends one day, never hear from them again the next. No big falling out, just not a peep. I understand I am not perfect, but I am a good friend, listener, and reliable person. I am not boring, or an extremist ( I don't think). ?????
So, the bigger deal is, why do I still wonder about some of these friends that dropped off the face of the earth? I don't sit around thinking "what if" about ex-boyfriends. I have a great marriage, but to that analogy, I also have great friends. I have not been left friendless. So what is it about being dumped by a friend that makes it so different? Open to comments...

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