Saturday, May 30, 2009

I love a warm spring day

This morning it was dreary, and not quite raining outside. The husband went golfing and I spent the time prepping the house for a sales showing and harping on the kids not to undo what I had just done.
The husband got back home so we decided to go our for sushi while the house was being shown. It was warmer by this time, but still cloudy, overcast. We go in for sushi and are pleasantly surprised by the amount of food that the kids manage to eat. When mr. sunshine gets to be a teenager, the food intake is going to be insane.
But the best was when we walked out of the restaurant, it was sunny, very warm and absolutely perfect.We took a wander down to the action figure/comic book store, wandered around, and had a leisurely walk back. Nothing exciting, nothing to write about (yet I am), but so incredible in the simple happiness of enjoying the day and having nothing pressing to do.
Tomorrow: open house, brunch with friends, and tae kwon do competition. A little busier. But not so busy that it is out of control.
I never want to get to that point- where I am so busy that I frustrate myself. I know that as the kids get older, there will be more activities, different concerns. But life is a choice, and everything in it. I choose not to schedule my self out of control. I choose to keep my weeks sane and enjoyable. And I hope I read this in 10 years to remind myself......

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